Sunday, October 19, 2008

Snicker Doodles

So Mike has been requesting these tasty treats for a while and I finally gave in. I love to bake but it really only hits me in the fall time so now our house can be filled with the smell of homemade good! Once again Gabe was at Grammys house so he didn't get to play but Jace sure had fun. I have always admired mothers with the patience to let their kids help in the kitchen. So I am learning to make it a fun experience for both of us. Jace dumped all of the ingredients in after I measured them, then he was the one to turn the machine on and off.
Then the fun part about snicker doodles is rolling them in Cin. Sugar. Jace thought this part was the best. He got his fingers all sticky and spilled a little sugar, "that's ok mom, sticky. . . that's ok." He is teaching me so much patience and I am learning that sometimes I need to give in and not be the one in charge. Yes, it's ok if we spill or have sticky hands. I can clean it up later.
My challenges with a 2 year old are in full bloom. I am learning and I sure do love the little dude. I just wish he could hold off on the wine.

Snicker Doodles
1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. shortening
1 1/2 c. granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cream of tarter
2 1/2 c. flour
Roll in Cinnamon and sugar
Bake at 400* for 8-10 min.


Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

Cute pictures! I also love your cake and pumpkin patch pictures.

Hey- do you not chill your cookie dough for a couple hours before rolling and baking it? I wonder what difference it makes. My recipe is the exact same as yours I think- but it calls for some chill time. :)

Love ya!


Kelli said...

You are hysterical! Love the wine comment! Thanks for sharing your recipe too. I am definitely going to have to try it out. I remember your to-die-for chocolate chip cookies and what an amazing cook you were in high school so I'm sure these will be equally delicious :) I probably can't make them as good as you though. I will never forget how precise you were with your cookies and how you would do a tester before putting a whole batch in the oven to make sure they were perfect. I love it! What lucky boys to have a mommy like you. We need to play.

Tuttles said...

I'm loving all of these recipes!!!

joleen said...

Those were so good and you know some of Layne's very very favorites!

All Dolled Up Designs said...

I remember your snickerdoodles! Isn't it funny that whenever I see them I think of you! I just remember you making them a lot when I was little:) Memories... You have such a cute little family now! Isn't it crazy how much things have changed since then! Well love ya! And I'm sorry that every time we are in UT it's so crazy and busy!! I hope that we can spend more time together once we move back!!

Sarah said...

Thanks for your comment Becky! You never know why things happen, but things always have a way of working out...sorry to hear you had to go through it as well.

I need to jot that recipe down! YUM!