Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A little Snow!

The boys finally got a sled that fits them. For the last 2 years we have been using an infant sled to pull them around the neighborhood! Not so easy. We built a snowman on one of the first storms, we couldn't find anything for his face so I poked grapes on him with tooth picks! The snowman keeps growing with all of the new snow and the boys keep singing tall, tall, tall.

Gabe's cousin Kyler helped him out to the bus when it was snowing. It talkes Gabe a little while to get use to the snow but now he can run in it.

Yesterday Mike and I braved the crowd at sundance. It was a lot of fun, we found lots of friends and we even survived a full day. In our old age with far and few between trips to the slopes we were impressed to still know we've got a little in us!
Mike owes his strength to P90X
A few more weeks and I might not feel comfortable taking the baby belly down a steep hill on a board. But maybe we can go just once more before then!

Christmas 2008

Our new family tradition is to make cookies on Christmas eve for Santa. So the boys helped me roll out and cut then frost cookies! It was a lot of fun but I should have made the cookies earlier, they made for a mess to clean up. Oh well. Christmas was a success. I have it on video but failed to take any still shots. Gabe got his leapster and Jace got his Tent. Our family got a wii that has been the real hit for Gabe. He is addicted to Mario Kart and can't stop talking about it. Constantly he is telling me about how he won the race. At first I couldn't watch him play because it drove me crazy, now he usually gets 5th or 6th place. For sure he is better than me, I'm still getting 12th. We have decided to put a time limit on his play time and then he can earn or lose time by doing different things. I think this will be a great bribery tool. Mike has started counting 1, 2 wii. Gabe won't get to wii!

Christmas parties 2008

This picture goes at the bottom, this blogging messes me up sometimes!
Our underwater camera is so much fun to play with! For our Phillips family traditions we will now swim for our Christmas party every year. Thanks Linds!Gabe and Jace will be thrilled with this winter swim.

Linds and Terrance blowing bubbles

Ron. . . I don't know.

Ryan and Janeal's engagement picture, they don't blow bubbles, you can't even tell they are underwater!

Kathy,Trace and Linds

Kathy and Mikey

Grandma Louder's Christmas party. Traditional Chicken noodle soup and the nativity.

Jace and his cousin Aiden, cute little wisemen.

Eliza and Gabe, little angels. (oops, I deleted the picture)

Don't forget Grandema's traditional flaming cake! It's all about TRADITION!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Cards

I got on the ball and got Christmas cards printed so if you want one send me your address please. I have lots, but I'm missing lots. If I know where you live or I will see you soon ignore this post! my email is mb4phillips@gmail.com lol B

Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa is here!

Did you know Santa comes to town on a helicopter? Me neither, but the day after thanksgiving he did. We waited in the cold for a good 1/2 hour for the late Santa. He made his appearance and it was fun hanging out with family. Next year we will definitely dress warmer!