Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The BIKE ride!

So if anyone is up for some fun and doesn't know where to find it, go ride your bike at the Church. Gabe and Jace think this is the coolest thing ever. We just ride around and around and around and. . . We even have a secret path to the neighborhood next door that Gabe calls the "Hole" we ride through there a lot too! It's fun exercise if anyone's up for it!

Why Gabe insists on riding this tiny bike is beyond me. He has one that fits and he tells me he wants to ride his "little bike" closer to the ground or something.
We have to teach them to wear the helmets so everyone wears them, even the trike rider!


joleen said...

We love biking at the church too! It's almost as good as the skate park right? You can also try to jump rope around the church when your boys get older. One night the boys and I did this at about 10:00 pm and it was way fun!

Dustin and Cori said...

Don't you love how the smallest things keep kids entertained for hours. You guys look like you are having a fabulous time. I hope everything is good.