Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I'm not into sponge bob so when Kathy asked me to make a Patrick cake I didn't know who in the heck he was. But after last night we became well aquainted! This is Patrick. He is a pretty cute starfish that I had fun making. I owe many thanks to Kathy for asking me to create birthday cakes for her kids. It is so much fun but of course I am not going to make a cake just for practice, so I need excuses. This is the birthday cake I made for Tyler last year and I think it is my favorite.


joleen said...

I asked Kyler if I were a cartoon who he thought I'd be and without hesitation he said" Sandy the squirrel on spongebob." I don't really know the people either but I thought it was funny! Great work on the cakes, you are professional!

Mindy Hill said...

Those are sooooo DARN cute....is there anything you can't do or create? I am putting my order in asap for a pony and sponge bob cake!

Michelle said...

so cute! look how creative you are!