Friday, February 6, 2009

Jace quote

I read my friends blogs that always have cute quotes and I regret never sharing any of mine. I write them down in my little book, but this one was blog worthy.

Mike: "Jace where did you get that book?"
Jace: "up high"
Mike: "How did you get up high?"
Jace: "I climbed"
Mike: "don't climb up high or you might fall down and crack your head open"
Jace: ran in the other room and came back with another book HUMPTY DUMPTY "like this guy?"

I don't remember reading that book in a long time. That Jace is a funny kid.


The Hall Clan said...

I love kid quotes!!! What a funny kid. SO EXCITING that you are having a girl. What was your secret. I gotta get a girl. Things are crazy, but we HAVE to get the kiddos together.

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

like this guy? That is cute. I love kids.

Mindy Hill said...

He is such a sweet boy! So glad you are going to share these sweet thoughts with everyone!