Friday, February 6, 2009


25 Randoms about me

1- I clean up my kids toys before they are done playing.
2- For at least 2 days after I mop the floor I spend a lot of time with a dustpan and rag on my knees. (if you haven't noticed I'm psycho sometimes, but once it gets dirt I throw my hands up)
3- My favorite thing to do is sleep, pathetic I know but oh so nice.
4- I knew I was going to marry Mike on our first date.
5- I am a candy attic, not good. I eat healthy foods, I stay away from fatty stuff but oh how I love fruity candy.
6- I have climbed the tallest active volcano in the world 19,384 ft. I didn't even get altitude sickness and one week later I scuba dived 40 ft below. Those were the single days.
7- I love being a mom, my boys bring out the best in me. Although sometimes they make me angry. (like when they make a mess)
8- My worst chore is laundry, I hate every part about it.
9- I love yoga, it is my sanity and I thank Jenne for sharing.
10- I use to race mt bikes, I frequently won 1st place because there were usually only 2-4 of us in the category! thanks for dragging me along on that Brit.
11- The most stressful part of the day for me is night time, getting the kids in bet on time.
12- My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice
13- I love to read a good book
14- In high school I never read one of the books I turned in book reports to. I owe that thanks to brit and my mom. I am glad that I discovered the joy in reading though.
15- I started taking piano lessons when I was 3 years old
16- When I was young my mom worried about me because I am right brained. She took me to a cooky lady every week to "connect my left with my right"
17- When I get time in life I want to learn to play the violin again. (I played for 4 years when I was young)
18- I can't sing worth beans, my voice can't carry a tune.
19- I can't wait to dig my hands in the dirt and plant pretty flowers.
20- I am sad that I won't be mowing lawns this summer, when I am dirty and sweaty and smell like grass/gas, I secretly feel tuff.
21- I consider myself not very vein. my hair is rarely done, I rarely wear makeup, I only have a few cute clothes (ok I take that back, I use to only have a few, then my bbf Mindy started shopping for me and giving me her stuff. Now my wardrobe has grown a bunch. Thanks M)
22- My favorite color is purple
23- My mom saves my life on a daily basis, if only everyone could have a mom like mine.
24- I am a coupon shopper always out to get the best price.
25- I love giving birth. I love the feeling of a baby in my tummy and I want at least 5 kids.


Natlee Lloyd said...

So which part of giving birth do u like? I like it about 45 min after i get an epidural:)

Mindy Hill said...

#21 Thanks for helping me to simplify my life and focus on what's most important...thanks for keeping me grounded! For the record, I've been wearing a lot less makeup and fixing my hair less since we've become friends LOL!