Friday, September 26, 2008


Well let's just say having a speech problem can be challenging sometimes (ok, most of the time).
But tonight it brought me a good laugh.
The kids were playing in the sand box and I kept telling them to keep the sand in the box, for some reason it is fun to spread it all over the yard! anyways, I had about had enough when they started scooping it into a bucket OUTSIDE of the box. I said "KEEP THE SAND IN THE BOX" and Gabe's reply was, "I'm making poup mom." I always have to think a little harder with him and Jace to try and interpret what they are trying to say. For those of you who need a mom to interpret what Gabe said, "I'm making SOUP mom."


Kes said...

sometimes we are the ONLY one that understand them- thank goodness they have a MOM!!

Kes said...

ps- if i haven't mentioned it before I HATE the word verification. it took me three try's to get it right-i don't know what's wrong with me.
and what the crap is kxwosgfu at least use a REAL word!
sorry just a little ranting...i''m done now.

Kelli said...

Yay for blogs! I'm excited to keep up with you and your cute little family. It was so fun running into you at the shower today. We should get together and play sometime! Love you :) ~Kelli

Mindy Hill said...

Oh, that popcorn was delicious (they only saved me a little bit by the time we stopped talking), but I loved it! Thanks again!