Wednesday, June 11, 2008


PEE! Yuck! So when I potty trained Gabe I taught him to go sitting down (naturally). It's only been since January that he has held his own tinkle down and I have been a happy mom with no pee messes to sanitize. Well in the last month he has discovered how fun it is to stand up and I now start all over with the PEE messes. I just spent the last 3 hours on my hands and knees cleaning and my last stop (the bathrooms) brought me to this entry. For the most part he makes it, but there is always the little dribble or the first of the stream that hits somewhere else. Do boys ever learn how to be neat and wipe the seat?!?!? Just my thoughts of the night!

My other thoughts include my wonderful husband of 6 years this Friday the 13th. Hopefully that day isn't cursed because we will be celebrating our love regardless. I can't believe how fast time goes by. A lot has been accomplished in our time together so far, and I am so thankful to be right where I am in life. I love my boys and my house and my Mikey who helps make it all possible. I consider myself a pretty lucky girl. I hope to have more to come of the subject like maybe a wedding day photo but for now words is all I have. I likey my Mikey.


Todd and Ashley said...

Oh the joys of potty training. I would think by far it would be harder to train the boys since yes they do pee all over the place. My mom told me horror stories of training my brother Dustin. Girls sound much easier. Who knows though.

Sarah said...

I don't know what it is like to train a little guy....GOOD LUCK!!

Congrats on 6 years, time flies!!

Terri said...

An answer to your question: No. I don't think boys ever learn how to be neat and wipe the seat.

I like Mikey too! I'm glad he chose you to be my sister.


Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

Congrats on 6 years! That's awesome. Sorry about all the pee...


Kimmie said...

I'm so srry for the Pee Pee! With the 3 boys and the one grown man the toilet is the last place I want to sit or be! I know how you feel, but it will never change... I'm here for you, I'll be your sponsor :)

The Hall Clan said...

oh girly, I feel your pain.
six years, how time flies