Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gabe and Jace after they were both in bed (might I add, they sleep in separate rooms)
Jace: "Gabe"
Gabe: "ya"
Jace: "Gabe"
Gabe: "Ya"
Jace: "Gabe"
Gabe: "what you doin Jace?"
Jace: "Race cars!"
Gabe: "oh, I love race cars!"


Kimmie said...

That is so dang cute! I love your boys!!

brit said...

that conversation is the best thing i have ever heard! i hope our kids grow up to be good friends because together they are a riot. i will have to say that ella talks about gabe, jace, "and your friend becky." and i don't even try to compete with the purple grape juice you make. anyway, talk to you soon!

Terri said...

"Goodnight John Boy!"