Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Where do chickens come from?

Pictures are in need but the story can be told first. Every year my parents have a "Year of the. . ." For example last year was the year of the kitty's, growing up I enjoyed, the year of the: bow and arrows, machine guns, dousing, gold, bikes, etc. Always something exciting with my dad. Anyways this is the year of the Chicken. So a few weeks ago my brother decided it would be fun to have baby chicks and the next day we had 23 babies. Well babies can't lay eggs so the next day we had an egg laying hen. So all of the grand kids take turn getting the 4:00 egg. Sometimes she doesn't pan out and sometimes she's late be she does lay eggs and they are green.
Gabe is quite the little farmer, he loves to pick them up and Carry them around. He even found a basket and piled as many as he could in so he could take them for a walk. They have also enjoyed wagon rides and john deer trips. Gabe had a treat last week and took them to school for show and tell. For sure he is the most talked about kid in Ms. Jean"s class now.
Jace on the other hand thinks they are cool but doesn't want to hold them and only pretends to touch them. Last week all of the boys built a chicken coup in my parents backyard. All it needs now is a fresh coat of paint and the chickens can move in!


Kimmie said...

How fun! Maybe you will have to let Gabe give us show n tell night! My boys would love it!

Terri said...

What a fun family tradition! "The year of ..." Love it! I might just have to borrow that one. ;) As for the chickens, what fun! Maybe we can check out the chicken coop this summer. Love you! x0x0x0