Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

School Days

Good News Minute!

I got a call from Gabe's pre-school teacher yesterday and got the best news. At school they have been doing a lot of testing to determine what the next school year will bring. The test results came back and he tested right in the middle as an average 4 year old for his cognitive skills. He will start Kindergarten this fall in a mainstream class room with only special help with his speech and motor skills.
What a blessing, our prayers were answered. Gabe has caught up with his age group after all of the doctors years ago said he never would.
Gabe has been in Therapy since his was 10 months old with kids on the move until he was 3, then Special Ed. Pre-school through the school district for 2 years now. The special help is not over yet but many thanks goes out to all of the teachers and therapists that have worked with my sweet Gabey. It is fun to see him learning and coming home doing and saying things I know I didn't teach him. Lately Jace has been in the "Why?" stage. It has worn off on Gabe and there is a question about everything. I appreciate it so much because it took so long to be able to talk with him rather than to him. Tonight when we were reading the scriptures he asked me "Where is heaven?" What a sweet boy!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Break and the Best Dad ever

To The BEST daddy in the whole wide world. If you were a kid wouldn't you want Mike to be the one you got to play on? My kids got Lucky! I love to see Mike playing with the kids, he has so much patience and love. The boys know him best for his horsey rides, tickle monster and don't forget SCRUFFERS! Mikey you are the bestest!
Well today I got put in the Primary Presidency as the first counselor. I am so excited, the women I get to work with are amazing and it will be so fun to be with the kids.
Spring Break was fun for us although it is different for a pre-schooler. Kind of not a big deal but I wanted Gabe to know it was a fun week. My friend Brittney was here from Alabama for the last few weeks so we got to play with her. She has 2 beautiful girls one of which is Gabes best friend Ella. Gabe says he is going to marry her but she tells me she has other plans (a boyfriend named Evan). Anyways, they can still be friends! We went to Kangaroo zoo a few times and the kids love that. We played at the park, had some walks and talks and a lot of fun. As we grow up friendships seem to fade with people from the past, but I am sure glad Brit and I still have the special bond that has been there for a good 16 years or so. Love you Brit!
We also enjoyed a trip to the Hogle Zoo on Friday with some of my Family: Layne, JoJo, their kids and Russell and his kids. It was really fun but as far as Gabe was concerned we could have spent the whole time on the Train. He walked around with the map pointing to the train track the whole time. "Choo choo mom, ride the choo choo." I now have a feeling I know what we are doing in Disneyland!
When we got home from the zoo Mike was in the backyard putting together our new Trampoilne. The boys absolutely love it and I am sure it will bring a lot of fun memories into our summer this year and all the years to come.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Belated Halloween pics

Since I never posted halloween pictures, here they are! My cute frog and stinky skunk.

the return of the Chicken

So the Chickens are growing up and now they are ugly, no more fun for the kids until they are all grown up and layin' eggs. This is Jace with the Hen in it's old cage.Paige and Gabe with chicken pets. Paige is petrafied of all animals so for her to be holding this is a big deal!
"mahma" even let Gabe bring this one in for a visit.
Gabe taking this one for a walk.
The Chickens when they were cute and little in their first home, "the box in the garage" They were stinky and had to move out to their new coup!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Where do chickens come from?

Pictures are in need but the story can be told first. Every year my parents have a "Year of the. . ." For example last year was the year of the kitty's, growing up I enjoyed, the year of the: bow and arrows, machine guns, dousing, gold, bikes, etc. Always something exciting with my dad. Anyways this is the year of the Chicken. So a few weeks ago my brother decided it would be fun to have baby chicks and the next day we had 23 babies. Well babies can't lay eggs so the next day we had an egg laying hen. So all of the grand kids take turn getting the 4:00 egg. Sometimes she doesn't pan out and sometimes she's late be she does lay eggs and they are green.
Gabe is quite the little farmer, he loves to pick them up and Carry them around. He even found a basket and piled as many as he could in so he could take them for a walk. They have also enjoyed wagon rides and john deer trips. Gabe had a treat last week and took them to school for show and tell. For sure he is the most talked about kid in Ms. Jean"s class now.
Jace on the other hand thinks they are cool but doesn't want to hold them and only pretends to touch them. Last week all of the boys built a chicken coup in my parents backyard. All it needs now is a fresh coat of paint and the chickens can move in!