Wednesday, March 17, 2010

what a memorable day

What does St. Patrick's day remind me of? ECUADOR and this little guy that I fell in love with. 9 years ago I got on a plane with 15 other strangers who soon became my friends. It was March 16th, we spent the first night in the nicest hotel in Quito, the next morning we flew into Cuenca and that is where my story is told. . .
(drinking green milk with my first meal at mi casa).
I am so grateful to my heavenly father that I got to go and learn a love like no other, the love of a mother, before I ever had children of my own.
I was still very immature but selfless service does a lot for a persons soul. I know I left being a better person and I know I made a difference in children's lives. This is just one of those children that I loved. (he was my baby) There were 19 babies in the cuna and at least 30 girls in the other orphanage. Isn't he beautiful? He is 10 years old now. . . One day in heaven I hope I get to meet him again.
Vicente Gabriel Born aprox. October 2, 2000
Pictures weren't allowed so I had to sneak in the bathroom with a disposable camera to get this picture of my baby.

Can you imagine dropping your child off at an orphanage?

I witnessed one mother doing so, at least she had the dignity to bring the baby in instead of ringing the bell and running. She looked so heart broken. 3rd world countries bring quite different circumstances than what we have here. I'm glad to be an American.


joleen said...

Layne was just telling us about that trip at dinner this week! Great memories for him so I'm glad you went!

The Hall Clan said...

aawww!! i remember you crying at work one day because you missed him so much. i'm sure you will meet him again. i hope he has a good life.