Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Gabey!

Today was Gabe's Magical Birthday. He turned 5 on the 5th! Anyways, we asked Gabe what he wanted to do for his birthday and of course he said RACE CARS! so Mike remembered when he was a little boy and loved to go to Trafalga and ride the go-carts. So we took the boys there and had a blast. It was so fun, we golfed too and got a little arcade in but the go-carts took the cake. Golfing with kids would be fun if you weren't stressed to go fast so the people behind you don't have to wait. Anyways, FUN FUN FUN.
We took a ton of pictures which I would LOVE to show you all BUT. . . When we got home I was busy and Mike was napping. . . the rest of the story is bad so prepare yourselves. Gabe was looking through the pictures and I kept hearing him play the movie of the go-carts and movies from the fireworks last night. Then he came to me and handed me the camera, "fix it mom." I turned it on and pushed the view button and it said NO IMAGES. He deleted all of the pictures from the 4th the balloon festival, past pictures that I don't even know not to mention all of our cute birthday pictures. I felt sick to my stomach and started to cry. He grabbed me around the neck and hugged me big, then said "It's ok mom, buy a new camera." Oh what a boy, he doesn't know pictures are priceless. Well I got over it and now I have this sweet memory of Gabe. I guess we'll just have to go back to the race cars soon and heck, there will be another 4th of july next year right? (I do have some releif, I took pictures with my other camera too, so hopefully I didn't miss out on too many memories).
We LOVE our Gabey Baby and his sweet personality. He adds so much to our home and I am so thankful he is mine. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABE!


Julie said...

Take your card to Allen's Camera - they might be able to recover the images.

Kimmie said...

Ugh... But I have to hand to you.. Gabe is a sweetheart, always there for a hug! We hope Gabe loves his race cars! Love you Gabe, Happy Birthday!

Jayne said...

Happy Birthday Gabe. I can't believe how big he is.

Dustin and Cori said...

I am so glad you left me a comment. We need to get together. When is Meta and Todd coming? Your blog is adorable. I'm not used to it but I'm trying. How is the family? Mike? I hope everything is good.