Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bye Bye Binky

So these binky's look familiar to something hanging around our house. Until Jace turned 2 they were readily available at all times. Then I decided that he could only have them when he slept so they along with his blankey stayed in his bed. He would sneak them sometimes and I am a pushover and just loved to see him cuddly so I rarely took them away, they just didn't leave the house. Well the other day Jace was biting at me and I noticed the space between his teeth. I knowing a lot about teeth and KNOWING that a Binky or bottle are bad for kids ignored my greater instincts and let my baby suck a pacifier for 2 years too long. So now after all this time he has a one day count down until we have a disposal ceremony. I thought we would wait until there was another baby to take over the sucker, but I can't let them destroy my Jacey's teeth any longer. So if your baby sucks on something, pay close attention if you care about their teeth, I wish I would have been more aware even with my knowledge.


Kimmie said...

I know, I know... Emmie needs to say good bye to her sippy cup :(

jacque said...

Thanks for the advice. Gunner just turned one and I'm thinking it's time for the old "cold turkey act". I'm with you though--they are just too cute and snuggly with them!