Sunday, November 9, 2008

He takes it all in stride

So on Tuesday we were running a few eronds and finished our last one at the fabric store. On our way out the kids were being so cute and we were all holding hands in a row just minding our own business. Gabe was kind of skipping and then. . . a speed bump jumped out and down he went. The cry was a winded shriek and I knew something was wrong. When we got home I took off his sock and his foot was all swollen. We took him to the doctor and he ordered an x-ray. A few hours later 3 broken bones in his left foot was the verdict. He is such a trooper and never complained of pain after the first day. His main reason for crying was he didn't want to go to the doctor. He's been in a boot since Friday and today at church he walked by himself for the first time since Tuesday. I am sure impressed with the good spirits he is in.


AJ said...

Poor kid. What a trooper. At least he can now boot people with the brace! Hey, Jayne and I will be in Utah for Christmas so let us know if you guys want to get together. We plan on coming to Hillcrest Ward for at least one Sunday.

Terri said...

I was sorry to hear about Gabe's fall. What a great attitude... Way to go Gabe!

rachel said...

So sorry to hear about the break! That is my worst fear! How do you carry around a 5 year old? Glad his is walking on it now!