Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
So for our christmas letter this year it has to be blogged. Too bad all of you who check our blog already know about most of our events this past year and the life we live. So here it goes.
Mike had a busy year with construction full time and tile part time (Can't say no to a job)! After the building market slowed down we opted to go back to tile until Mike's boss gets his feet back on the ground. It hasn't been a very big change for the most part, after all we never did quit tile. We have enjoyed spending more time together and that has been a blessing. We feel really blessed for Mikes talents and his hard work for our family. He is still a little boy at heart and got himself a new RC Truck just because "he always wanted one." My dad told him "you can have what ever you can afford." so he decided he could afford a toy! He loves it and has fun chasing the boys around the house with it along with racing it up and down the street, jumping off snow banks and curbs. Every boys dream!
Gabe started his second year of preschool and loves it. His vocabulary has improved so much and he is so fun to talk to. He comes up with the funniest things and is so random, (just like his dad). Out of the blue he will say "B Y U Cougars!" or sing his ABC's. He can count to 20, knows all his shapes, clolors, you name it he knows it. It is still a little hard for him to comunicate but if he cares enough he will get his point across. He still is so sweet and loves being a big brother. He loves taking care of Jace and is quite protective of him. They are great play mates, both into trains and race cars. They love to pretend cook with my whole kitchen spread all over the house because they are "making hot chocolate!" Gabe sat the table for quite a few days in a row in hopes that we could have a tea party. He put 6 bowls, plates, spoons etc. Then added to the table marshmellows, cheetoes, nuts, whatever he could reach in the pantry. It's always so fun to see little imaginations working.
Jace is such a helper, always putting everything away and making sure all of the droors and doors are closed. I got a new sonicare for Christmas, for the first few days It was never on it's base because Jace had put it in the droor where he felt it belonged. He hides things, like his new RC car in a droor in the basement bathroom where no one would EVER look. Jace mostely is found following Gabe around wanting to be just like him. They are always helping each other and they understand each others language, it's great! Jace loves to dance and sing, and try anything new. He has loved the snow and always wants to walk in it on our way to Grammys house.
These two sweet boys suprise me all the time with the cute little things they do. Just recently I started a book called "you made me smile today." On top of Journals for all of us I wanted to have a book just for the little things they do. It has been fun finding cute things they do each day that put a smile on my face. I truely am blessed with three boys that are so sweet.
I Becky am still teaching piano. This year I am up to 12 students. It is a handful but I am blessed with a mother at my becon call to watch the kids while I teach a few of the afternoon. I along with Mike still mow lawns all summer and as much as I use to enjoy it, It might not be my favorite thing to do anymore, but it does make good money. I clean my Grandmas house just once a month and once again my mom makes it all possible by watching the boys. But enough with work, it's not my life. My boys (all 3 of them) are my life and I love being home with them. Unfortunately the work I do makes me feel sometimes that I don't get to spend as much time with them as I should . I love to spend time with my mom and lucky for me she loves to be with us. I love to read and have enjoyed some great books this year. I have started up yoga again and I love the strength it gives me not only physically but mentally. I love to run and wish I could but my knees are not allowing it with this cold weather. I hope that that will change when spring hits but if it doesn't I am begging Mike for a treadmill!
Mike and I did run another 1/2 marathon this year and it was a lot of fun. We also ran a 5k and 10k, somehow with no training Mike is the Ironman that 13 miles doesn't even phase.
Our biggest event of the year was our Trip to Ohio/New York. You all read about it.
We have enjoyed this year and can't believe how fast life passes us by. We love you all and thank you for loving us.

1 comment:

climber said...

I LOVED THE UPDATE> Miss you guys! Gabe, ella says she can't wait to play trains some more.

Love ya,
