Saturday, February 27, 2010

pulled pork

My favorite place to eat is CAFE RIO.
I haven't been there in at least a year but that doesn't mean I don't love
it, it just means I never eat out.
If you are like me you are always wanted to duplicate the recipe.
I want to learn to make their lime ranch dressing.
My Mindy gave me a great recipe for the pulled pork that I think is close to the real thing.

1 pork roast
1 can coke
1 cup salsa
1 cup sugar
slow cook all day, pull the pork a few hours before serving to let the juices soak in.

I hope it isn't a secret because I just gave it away!
It is delicious and I am excited to eat dinner.
Kamers, sorry it din't work out. Leave little Abby in the oven for a few more weeks.
Take care of yourself.
As for me and my family, we are home bound. At least for a few days.
Do spots always mean chicken pox?
We'll find out if they scab or not.
Gabe has spots on his arm that I discovered yesterday at swim lessons.
No fever, just spots.
The wait is on, but hey we have dinner tonight!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The love of my life, My Mikey

Mike and I met 8 years ago on January 25th. 8 years ago today we were in Salt Lake at the Cheryl Crow Awards ceremony, he took me on a ridiculously priced, yet very romantic carriage ride and then had roses waiting for me when we got back to his house (compliments of Terri I'm sure) :) After the first date I wrote my dad a note to tell him he doesn't have to worry about me going on a mission because I had "found the boy I was going to marry." By day 3 I confessed my feelings to Mike about how I was going on a mission (his face dropped) but. . . my Bishop was holding my papers because I had met someone. The rest is history.
I tease him that it was his truck that I fell in love with but we all know better than that. ANY one who knows Mike can testify that he is a gem. He has a giant spirit that is even bigger than him! I couldn't help but love him and wish for my life to be complete with him by my side. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, he makes my heart soar. He allows me to be me, and helps make my dreams come true. He works so hard for our family, I was at the dentist last week and so glad to not be working there. I have sucked enough spit for one lifetime!
Last week Brit and I got to go on a date and see a chick flick. (Thank you Brit). When I got home I was so happy because I love seeing people fall in love but my happy comes because I get to come home to a love story. I am so thankful to be in love with Mike and to truly be living a dream. Of course we have our rocks to climb over like everyone, I don't claim to be perfect. But I will always say with an honest heart "I LOVE YOU MIKE" Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

All I need is LOVE

These little monkeys are the sunshine in my day. Mike and I dedicate our Valentines day to our little ones. It's the day of love so we should share it with those we love.

Gabe is my little Mike who lives his days in his own unhurried ways. He teaches me patience, how to share, how to love, how to be silly. I love my Gabey.

Jace is my little tease who lives his days in bliss. He teaches me how to imagine, how to be brave, how to be dirty, how to laugh. I love my little Jacer.

Annabelle is my little peacemaker. We can't help but be happy when we are with her. She gives me alone time, me and her and our thoughts. She teaches me to slow down, to breathe, to smile. I love my little AnnaBanana.

So much more I could say about my sweeties, I am just so thankful to be their mom, that Heavenly Father loves me so much that he trusted me with these spirits. My next thoughts will be dedicated to the love of my life. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Fuzzy hair!

Do your kids have fuzzy hair? You know, it could mean something? When Gabe was a baby and we were doing all of the "testing," The geneticist was concerned about his hair because it stuck straight up. Well. . . all of my kids hair stands straight up, it adds height and don't forget personality! This picture of Annabelle is about a month old. You should see how long and fuzzy her hair is today!Jace's fuzzy hair was short lived. I don't know if I gelled it or what but he didn't live the way Annabelle and Gabe did at this age.
This Gabey is sooo cute. I love this picture, he is fishing for the cats under the door and having a blast. His hair always looked like this! LOVE IT!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Family Pictures

A dreaded event in everyone's life has got to be taking FAMILY PICTURES! To catch all the eyes looking one direction and having a cute look on everyone's face is almost impossible. So. . . This is Mike's least favorite thing to do, but it's got to be done. We have to document the growth of our family!